Year 9

Task 1

Hook Island youth. Who are they? What is trendy? How do they spend their free time? Are they rebellious? How? What are their dreams for the future? Formulate your text as a newspaper article or a first person narrative that gives good examples of Hook Island youth and its culture.

Task 2

Hook Island may be paradise, but it still has schools! Explain the hookislandic school system using as specialized a vocabulary as you can. See pp. 52-54 in your textbook. Include a 15 word "dictionary" of the education related words you have used.
Remember your storyline, too!

Task 3

Hooks Island has some kind of media. Maybe it's rather like our own, or perhaps it's a bunch of messages left on the beach! Describe the media situation on Hook Island and show me you can use the passive voice in different tenses while you are at it.

Task 4
Summer is just around the corner and you are thinking about a good summer job to pay for all the ice cream you are going to eat. 
Go to and find a position that you could apply for in Hook Island. If you have trouble finding one that suits, invent a job for yourself! Then write a letter of application and post it on your blog. This is what you should include:

Dear (nimi / Sir).....

- henkilötietosi
- mitä paikkaa haet (apply for) ja missä näit ilmoituksen

- minkälaista työkokemusta sinulla on
- miksi olet kiinnostunut paikasta ja miten täytät sen vaatimukset
- jotain koulutuksestasi ja taidoistasi
- oletko parhaillaan työssä tai koulussa ja milloin voisit aloittaa

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Now find sample letters of application and compare your letter to them. Make changes, if necessary. 
If you have time after this, also write a CV. You can find plenty of examples of these online. Make good use of the internet resources!

Task 5

Oh, dear! Natural disasters loom everywhere! What could happen on Hook Island? What would you do, if something bad happened? If something had happened 10 years ago, what could you have done?
Kirjoita Hook Islandin luonnonkatastrofeista ja osoita, että osaat käyttää erilaisia ehtovirketyyppejä.

Task 6

Listen to a podcast in English and write an introduction about it.
You can talk about the podcast in general, the people hosting it and the subjects they talk about. Give a summary about the episode you listened to, its highlights and problems, if any.
You can make your report in a podcast way. Just record yourself and paste a link to the file on the post here! 

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